Inspiration for Legislation: Resources for Those Interested in Politics and Representation

Lend your voice to Wyoming! The future of our great state lies in the hands and voices of those interested, able, and equipped to make choices and find solutions. Feel that this is your calling, but wondering where to begin? Check our resource list for programs, conferences, and ways to connect with others interested in representation in Wyoming.

Connect with other Wyoming women interested in leadership, attend events, and develop your candidacy through the Wyoming Women’s Legislative Caucus and their yearly conference Leap Into Leadership.

Planning for the 2024 Leap into Leadership Conference is underway. We are putting together an incredible group of speakers. Registration opens soon, so save the date for 2024 Leap into Leadership, February 21-22, 2024.

Annie Wood, Owner/Consultant, Longpre Consulting, LLC

Enroll in a nine-month program through Leadership Wyoming for those interested in leadership in our beautiful state. Connect with others interested in the same, and learn about speakers and tours on various topics.

Shortly after I decided I was interested in running for office (thank you, Leadership Wyoming) I attended the Leap into Leadership conference. The training helped me establish a game plan, understand best practices, and build out a framework for my campaign. The second time I attended, I met another woman from my community who became my campaign manager! Not only was the material presented practical, but the conference broadened my social network. I became friends with women who ran for, and now serve on city council, as county commissioners, and as school board members. All are making an incredible difference in their communities.

Representative Trey Sherwood, House District 14 - Albany County

Let's achieve Fair Representation Voting and advance institutional reforms by breaking down the walls between women and politics through programs such as Represent Women.

Find nationwide programming for youth interested in pursuing leadership and government roles in their states through We The People.

We have two programs, We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution and We the People: Project Citizen. Both are academic programs traditionally in upper elementary through high school; Project Citizen is focused on civic engagement and public policy but we have coordinators for both programs in WY. More information on both programs can be found at

Matt Stranigan, We the People Wyoming State Coordinator

Stay informed as women about legislation affecting women through the Wyoming Women’s Foundation’s Power Advocate Program.

Our Power Advocates are civically engaged individuals who are interested in furthering the economic self-sufficiency of women and girls in the state of Wyoming. We truly wouldn’t have any of the successes our advocacy program has realized without our Power Advocates. Here’s the main reason: elected officials want to hear from their constituents. They value and appreciate agency and organization insight, but they were voted in to represent their constituents. So, citizens can often have the greatest amount of influence. Marissa Carpio, Former Policy Associate for the Wyoming Women’s Foundation

Marissa Carpio, Former Policy Associate for the Wyoming Women’s Foundation