The Challenge is On!

Hello Friends!
At the Hughes Charitable Foundation, it’s no secret: we’re big on love your neighbor. We’re also big on showing kindness to our communities at any opportunity. So, with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, followed a few days later by National Random Act of Kindness Day, we wanted to invite and inspire you all to join us in showing love and kindness to those around us!
We’re thrilled to announce the #LoveYourNeighborChallenge!
We’re inviting all of you — anyone at all! — to take part in an act of kindness anytime between Monday, February 14 and Monday, February 21. Follow the simple steps below to share your entry via social media.
The most exciting part? At the end of the #LoveYourNeighborChallenge, our board will review all of the entries, and select a winner to receive a $1000 gift in their honor to the nonprofit of their choice! (You can check the full list of pre-selected nonprofit options below.)
All you need to do is complete an act of kindness and share it with us. Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, tag @hughescharitablefoundation, the nonprofit that you’d like to give the prize to if you win, and of course, #LoveYourNeighborChallenge. When we sit down to select a winner, we’ll be looking for people who made a genuine sacrifice of time or treasure, got outside of their comfort zone to show kindness, and made an effort to forge a new relationship with a person or organization.
There’s no shortage of great ways to give the gift of kindness to others. Volunteer at a food bank or homeless shelter. Sign up to be a mentor to a young person in your community. Foster a homeless pet or take them for a walk. Craft some cards and treats to bring to a nearby nursing home. Clean up litter along a stretch of local roadway. Cook a meal for a family in need, or bring takeout to local first responders. Shovel someone’s driveway. The options are endless!
We can’t wait to see how all the ways you can love your neighbor! And we can’t wait to make a $1,000 donation to the winner’s chosen nonprofit!
Get out there and let your kindness shine!
Molly & Waynes Hughes and the Hughes Charitable Foundation

The #LoveYourNeighborChallenge is all about spreading love across our communities! Anyone can participate — here’s how!
- Perform an act of kindness for someone in your community. It can be large or small — it must be a genuine sacrifice of time or treasure outside of your comfort zone.
- Follow the Hughes Charitable Foundation on Facebook and Instagram.
- Take a photo or video of your effort (ideally with your hands in a heart shape!), and share it on social media. This is how you log your “challenge entry.”
- Tag @hughescharitablefoundation, the hashtag #LoveYourNeighborChallenge AND tag the nonprofit you want to nominate for the $1,000 prize if you win.
At the end of the Challenge (after February 21, 2022), the Board of the Hughes Charitable Foundation will select a winner. Their decision will be based on individuals or small groups who:
- Genuinely sacrifice time or treasure for their effort
- Reach outside of their comfort zone
- Form a new relationship or contribute to their community in a new way
- Each individual or small group that completes up to three acts of kindness between February 14 and 21, 2022 can make up to three submissions to the #LoveYourNeighborChallenge. The submission must be made via social media before 11:59 pm on February 21, 2022.
- Nonprofits eligible to receive the prize gift must be on this list.
- Steps for eligibility — listed above including required tags and hashtags — are mandatory to be considered in the Challenge.
Contact Madison Kwasny with any questions at
Nonprofits can download a Press Release Template and #LoveYourNeighborChallenge social media graphics here.