In His Way: Healing Through Love

"For God so loved the world, He sent His only Son. " John 3:17
The King is Coming! During this special time of year, we honor how God sent His only begotten Son to help and teach us. Jesus came to redeem the world and to show us that there is no greater gift or power than love.
At the Hughes Charitable Foundation, we see individuals and organizations across Wyoming doing their part to serve in His way. From food drives or an understanding ear to a safe place to sleep or donating blankets, there are so many ways that people show their love for their neighbor.
"He opened the gate and unlocked the way. Jesus was the example – he did the things we couldn't do. He showed us the way, and helped us to do those things." – Hunter Christensen, Senior Vice President of the Hughes Charitable Foundation
Let the spirit of this hallowed season of love and giving fill your cup, carrying you into a joyful, peace-filled new year. And give thanks to our Lord and His Son!